Welcome to the dark underground of highschool athletics. As a coach it's your job to ensure the success of your athletes. Stop at nothing and use anything to gain an advantage, but try not to let anyone see you picking up used chewing gum off of the floor...

You will have 60 seconds to collect as many ingredients as you can, when the time is up (or if you get caught before) you will enter the brewing phase where you can add your ingredients to your opponent's cooler in an attempt to sabotage them, or spice up your own athlete's beverage to combat anything your rival coach may add.


Move - WASD

Sneak - CTRL

Interact - E or L-SHIFT


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thats really well made, who made it ? 

Hey there, I'm Phil, I handled all of the art and audio. Brendan Chapman was the programmer on the project. 

its unity right ? 



Great visuals and presentation! Liked the innovative take on the theme :) Not sure about if the music was a good fit. That might be worth a revisit if you continue developing this.

Great job!